Workshops & Seminars

Leader Development

Leadership is a lifelong journey. Leaders are not made in a day; they are made daily. Working with individuals, teams, and organizations we help you make the most of your leadership journey with programs tailored to your needs.

Self Assessment & Awareness

Self-awareness enables leaders to see themselves, recognize how they see others, and understand how others see them.  DiSC assessments are effective tools for enhancing self-awareness as well as enabling growth in areas important for leadership development.  Assessments provide a foundation for awareness and growth in workshops, coaching, and development plans.  

Emotional Intelligence

Agile EQ™ helps participants develop a greater ability to adapt their approaches and responses to best meet the demands of a wide variety of interpersonal or emotionally charged situations. Emotional Intelligent leaders can adopt and apply more leadership styles giving them the flexibility to operate more effectively in a wider variety of situations.

Trust Building

At the end of the day, your teammates must know you will be there for them. When team members are genuinely transparent and honest with one another, they are able to build vulnerability - based trust. Our workshop focuses on you as a team member doing your part to become a better teammate to build trust.

Having self-awareness is essential to building trust as the workshop also focuses on team members asking themselves the tough questions such as: Do you know your weakness? Do you acknowledge your mistakes and give other the benefit of the doubt.

Leading Change

Leaders, teams, and organizations deal with change on an almost daily basis. Leading change is an essential skill for leaders and teams at all levels. Our workshops focus on leaders, teams, and organizations and can be tailored to your specific needs.

Cultural Awareness

Leaders shape an organizations culture through their actions and their words. The simple question organization leaders must ask themselves every day is “does our audio matching our video”. We have tools to help your leaders and teams understand and shape your organization’s culture.

Problem Solving & Decision Making

In today’s environment we know for sure that little is for sure and that the world is unknown and unknowable. Our problem solving and decision-making workshop provides you the tools leaders need for conducting root cause analysis of the problem, identifying key facts and assumptions, developing and analyzing options to making informed decisions that contribute to the organization’s bottom line while building your teams in a positive work environment.

Strategic & Deliberate Planning

Not having a strategic plan, simply put, means your organization will never reach its fullest potential. Strategic planning is a continuous process. Without question the experience and tools that we offer can provide your organization the where with all to sustain a competitive advantage.

Crisis Planning

There are times when you don’t have the time to deliberately plan, but that’s no excuse for delivering positive results. In our Crisis planning workshop we provide essential tools to expedite the process and achieve success when time is not on your side

Productive Conflict

Conflict comes down to a difference of opinions involving strong emotions. We focus on self-awareness around conflict behavior by helping team members curb destructive thoughts and behaviors so that conflict can become more productive, improving your workplace results and relationships.

Team Building

The 5 Behaviors of Cohesive Teams, a Wiley Product, was developed in conjunction with Patrick Lencioni, author of “The 5 Disfunctions of a Team” and many other books on team and organizational performance. Individual and team assessments provide insights for building a cohesive team. A learning experience built on the needs of each team supports the model of building cohesive behaviors among the team members focusing on Trust, Positive Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. This training focuses on individual and interpersonal aspects of team performance raising the overall effectiveness and performance of teams.

Our workshops help teams understand how they score on the key components of The Five Behaviors model: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. Individual team members learn about their own personality style and the styles of their team members and how their style contributes to the team’s overall success.

Team Coaching

Team coaching is a valuable enabler for accelerating the integration of new team members and leaders. It is also a powerful enabler for strengthening the overall performance of teams.

Our team coaching employs the Systemic Team Coaching model created by internationally recognized team coach Peter Hawkins. Systemic Team Coaching works with the team in the context of external stakeholders and systems as well as internal team dynamics using an outside-in and future-back approach to increase the value teams deliver to their internal and external stakeholders and customers.

Sales Productivity

Our sales workshop improves your individual sales effectiveness by helping you read your customer, adapt your approach, and close more sales ultimately adding value to the organization bottom line.

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